/*! elementor-pro - v3.21.0 - 15-04-2024 */
.elementor-panel .elementor-control .e-control-error{color:#f59e0b}.elementor-panel .elementor-control.forms-field-shortcode .elementor-control-content{flex-flow:row;align-items:center}.elementor-panel .elementor-control.forms-field-shortcode .elementor-control-title{width:45%}.elementor-panel .elementor-control.forms-field-shortcode .elementor-control-raw-html{width:55%}.elementor-panel .elementor-control .elementor-button.elementor-button-default.elementor-button-center{display:block;margin:0 auto}#elementor-element--promotion__dialog .dialog-header .eicon-pro-icon{visibility:hidden}.elementor-context-menu-list__item{position:relative}.elementor-context-menu-list__item--disabled .elementor-context-menu-list__item__title{opacity:.5}.elementor-context-menu-list__item__shortcut .eicon-advanced{font-size:16px;color:var(--e-a-color-txt-muted)}.elementor-context-menu-list__item__shortcut--link-fullwidth{position:absolute;left:0;top:0;width:100%;height:100%;z-index:2;cursor:pointer}#elementor-widget-template-empty-templates{margin-block-start:15px;text-align:center}.elementor-widget-template-empty-templates-title{padding:25px 0 30px}.elementor-widget-template-empty-templates-icon{font-size:96px}.elementor-widget-template-empty-templates-footer{color:var(--e-a-color-txt-muted);font-size:13px;font-style:italic;margin-block-end:15px}#elementor-panel-global-widget{height:100%}#elementor-panel-global-widget>*{background-color:var(--e-a-bg-default)}#elementor-global-widget-locked-header{border-block-end:var(--e-a-border)}#elementor-global-widget-locked-header.elementor-nerd-box{padding:40px 25px}#elementor-global-widget-locked-header.elementor-nerd-box .elementor-nerd-box-icon{margin-block-start:20px}#elementor-global-widget-locked-tools{margin-block-start:15px;padding:0 20px}.elementor-global-widget-locked-tool{display:flex;padding:20px 0;align-items:center}.elementor-global-widget-locked-tool .elementor-button{min-width:70px}.elementor-global-widget-locked-tool-description{flex-grow:1}#elementor-global-widget-locked-unlink{border-block-start:var(--e-a-border)}#elementor-global-templates .elementor-element{position:relative}#elementor-global-templates .elementor-element:before{position:absolute;font-family:eicons;content:"\e91f";top:5px;left:5px;font-size:10px}#elementor-global-templates .elementor-element:hover:before{color:var(--e-a-color-global)}#elementor-global-widget-loading{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;height:100%;width:100%;align-items:center;justify-content:center}#elementor-global-widget-loading:not(.elementor-hidden){display:flex}#elementor-global-widget-loading i{font-size:50px}.elementor-panel .elementor-control-type-fields_map .elementor-repeater-fields{margin:10px 0}.elementor-panel .elementor-control-type-fields_map .elementor-repeater-fields .elementor-control{padding:0}.elementor-panel .elementor-control-type-fields_map .elementor-repeater-fields:last-child{margin-block-end:0}.elementor-repeater-row--form-step .elementor-repeater-row-tools:hover{background-color:#babfc5}.elementor-repeater-row--form-step .elementor-repeater-row-tools div:not(.elementor-repeater-row-handle-sortable){background-color:#f1f2f3}.elementor-repeater-row--form-step .elementor-repeater-row-tools div:not(.elementor-repeater-row-handle-sortable):hover{background-color:#fff}.elementor-facebook-widget.fb_iframe_widget,.elementor-facebook-widget.fb_iframe_widget span{width:100%!important}.elementor-facebook-widget.fb_iframe_widget iframe{position:relative;width:100%!important}.elementor-facebook-widget.fb-like{height:1px}.elementor-widget-facebook-comments iframe{width:100%!important}#elementor-publish{height:100%;display:flex}#elementor-publish__modal .dialog-message{padding:0}#elementor-publish__modal .dialog-buttons-wrapper{display:flex}#elementor-publish__tabs{padding-block-start:50px}@media (max-width:1439px){#elementor-publish__tabs{width:28%}}#elementor-publish__screen{overflow:auto;padding:50px}.elementor-publish__tab{display:flex;align-items:center;position:relative;height:110px;padding:20px 15px;cursor:pointer}.elementor-publish__tab:hover{background-color:var(--e-a-bg-hover)}.elementor-publish__tab.elementor-active{background-color:var(--e-a-bg-active);color:var(--e-a-color-txt-accent)}.elementor-publish__tab.elementor-active:after{content:"";position:absolute;top:0;left:0;height:100%;width:3px;background-color:var(--e-a-border-color-accent)}.elementor-publish__tab__image{width:50px;flex-shrink:0}.elementor-publish__tab__image img{width:100%}.elementor-publish__tab__content{text-align:start;padding-inline-start:15px}.elementor-publish__tab__title{font-size:18px;font-weight:700}#elementor-theme-builder-conditions{margin:40px 0 60px}#elementor-theme-builder-conditions-view{overflow:hidden}#elementor-theme-builder-conditions .elementor-control{background-color:transparent;padding:0}#elementor-theme-builder-conditions .elementor-control:before{content:none}#elementor-theme-builder-conditions .elementor-control select{border-width:0;height:40px;padding:0 14px}#elementor-theme-builder-conditions .elementor-control-type-query{width:100px}#elementor-theme-builder-conditions .elementor-control-type-select .elementor-control-input-wrapper:after{right:10px}#elementor-theme-builder-conditions .elementor-control-type{width:120px}#elementor-theme-builder-conditions .elementor-control-type[data-elementor-condition-type=include] .elementor-control-input-wrapper:before{content:"\e8cc"}#elementor-theme-builder-conditions .elementor-control-type[data-elementor-condition-type=exclude] .elementor-control-input-wrapper:before{content:"\e8cd"}#elementor-theme-builder-conditions .elementor-control-type[data-elementor-condition-type=exclude] select,#elementor-theme-builder-conditions .elementor-control-type[data-elementor-condition-type=include] select{padding-inline-start:33px}#elementor-theme-builder-conditions .elementor-control-type .elementor-control-input-wrapper:before{font-family:eicons;position:absolute;top:50%;transform:translateY(-50%);left:13px;font-size:15px}#elementor-theme-builder-conditions .elementor-theme-builder-conditions-repeater-row-controls{display:flex;flex-grow:1;margin-inline-end:10px;width:70%;border:var(--e-a-border-bold);overflow:hidden;border-radius:var(--e-a-border-radius)}#elementor-theme-builder-conditions .elementor-theme-builder-conditions-repeater-row-controls .elementor-control:not(:first-child){flex-grow:1;border-inline-start:var(--e-a-border-bold);margin-inline-start:1px}#elementor-theme-builder-conditions .elementor-theme-builder-conditions-repeater-row-controls .elementor-control:not(:first-child) select{border-radius:0}#elementor-theme-builder-conditions .elementor-repeater-fields-wrapper{max-width:700px;width:100%;margin:auto}#elementor-theme-builder-conditions .elementor-repeater-fields{display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center;margin-block-start:10px}#elementor-theme-builder-conditions .elementor-control-field{display:block}#elementor-theme-builder-conditions .elementor-control-spinner,#elementor-theme-builder-conditions .elementor-control-title{display:none}#elementor-theme-builder-conditions .elementor-control-input-wrapper{width:100%;max-width:none}#elementor-theme-builder-conditions .select2-selection{height:40px;border:none;border-radius:0}#elementor-theme-builder-conditions .select2-selection__rendered{line-height:40px;padding-inline-start:15px;text-align:start}#elementor-theme-builder-conditions .select2-selection__arrow{height:30px}#elementor-theme-builder-conditions .select2-selection__arrow b{border-width:4px 4px 0;margin-block-start:2px;margin-inline-start:-7px}#elementor-theme-builder-conditions .elementor-repeater-tool-remove{font-size:18px;cursor:pointer;color:var(--e-a-color-txt)}#elementor-theme-builder-conditions .elementor-button-wrapper{margin-block-start:50px}#elementor-theme-builder-conditions .elementor-repeater-add{padding:12px 26px}.elementor-error .elementor-theme-builder-conditions-repeater-row-controls{border:1px solid var(--e-a-color-warning)}.elementor-conditions-conflict-message{margin-block-start:10px;font-size:11px;color:var(--e-a-color-warning);text-align:start;padding-inline-start:90px}.elementor-conditions-conflict-message a{color:var(--e-a-color-warning)}.elementor-panel-footer-theme-builder-buttons-wrapper .elementor-panel-footer-sub-menu{display:flex}.elementor-panel-footer-theme-builder-buttons-wrapper .elementor-panel-footer-sub-menu-item{width:100%}.elementor-panel-footer-theme-builder-buttons-wrapper .elementor-panel-footer-sub-menu-item i{margin-inline-end:5px}.elementor-panel-footer-theme-builder-buttons-wrapper .elementor-panel-footer-sub-menu-item>*{display:inline-block;line-height:40px}.elementor-conditions-select2-dropdown{border:none;border-radius:0}.elementor-conditions-select2-dropdown .select2-results__message{display:none}.elementor-conditions-select2-dropdown .select2-search--dropdown .select2-search__field{border-width:0 0 1px;border-radius:0}#elementor-toast.e-theme-builder-save-toaster .dialog-buttons-wrapper{flex-direction:column}#elementor-toast.e-theme-builder-save-toaster .dialog-buttons-message{text-align:center}#elementor-toast.e-theme-builder-save-toaster .dialog-open_site_editor{margin-block-end:10px}.elementor-control.elementor-control-sitemap_items.elementor-control-type-repeater .elementor-repeater-row-tools .elementor-repeater-row-item-title span{text-transform:capitalize}.elementor-editor-popup .elementor-tab-control-settings a:before{content:"\e922"}#elementor-publish .elementor-popup__display-settings .elementor-control-type-slider .elementor-control-input-wrapper{width:150px}#elementor-publish .elementor-popup__display-settings .elementor-control-input-wrapper{width:80px;max-width:100%}.elementor-popup__display-settings{text-align:start}.elementor-popup__display-settings_controls_group{display:flex;align-items:center;height:60px;border:var(--e-a-border);margin-block-end:10px;padding-inline-end:20px;border-radius:var(--e-a-border-radius)}.elementor-popup__display-settings_controls_group:hover{background-color:var(--e-a-bg-hover)}.elementor-popup__display-settings_controls_group.elementor-active{background-color:var(--e-a-bg-active);color:var(--e-a-color-txt-accent);border-color:var(--e-a-border-color-accent)}.elementor-popup__display-settings_controls_group:not(.elementor-active) .elementor-control:nth-child(2) h3{color:#9da5ae}.elementor-popup__display-settings_controls_group__icon{width:60px;height:60px;border-inline-end:var(--e-a-border);display:inline-flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center}.elementor-popup__display-settings_controls_group__icon img{width:35px}.elementor-popup__display-settings_controls_group .elementor-control{padding:0;margin:0}.elementor-popup__display-settings_controls_group .elementor-control:nth-child(2){width:230px}.elementor-popup__display-settings_controls_group .elementor-control:nth-child(2) h3{font-size:16px;font-weight:400}.elementor-popup__display-settings_controls_group .elementor-control:not(:nth-child(2)) .elementor-control-title:not(:empty){width:75px}.elementor-popup__display-settings_controls_group .elementor-control:not(:last-child){margin-inline-start:25px}.elementor-popup__display-settings_controls_group .elementor-control-type-slider .elementor-control-input-wrapper{display:flex}.elementor-popup__display-settings_controls_group .elementor-control-type-slider .elementor-slider-input{width:45%}.elementor-popup__display-settings_controls_group .elementor-control-type-switcher .elementor-control-field{justify-content:flex-end}.elementor-popup__display-settings .elementor-control-type-section{display:none}.elementor-popup__display-settings__group-toggle{flex-grow:1}#elementor-popup-timing__controls .select2-selection{min-height:27px}#elementor-popup-timing__controls .select2-selection__rendered{line-height:1}#elementor-popup-timing__controls .select2-selection__choice{font-size:10px}#elementor-popup__timing-controls-group--url .elementor-control-url_url .elementor-control-input-wrapper{width:200px}#elementor-popup__timing-controls-group--sources .elementor-control-sources_sources .elementor-control-input-wrapper{width:300px}#elementor-popup__timing-controls-group--devices .elementor-control-devices_devices .elementor-control-input-wrapper{width:330px}#elementor-popup__timing-controls-group--logged_in .elementor-control-logged_in_roles .elementor-control-input-wrapper{width:195px}#elementor-popup__timing-controls-group--browsers .elementor-control-browsers_browsers .elementor-control-input-wrapper{width:100px}#elementor-popup__timing-controls-group--browsers .elementor-control-browsers_browsers_options .elementor-control-input-wrapper{width:200px}#elementor-popup__timing-controls-group--times .elementor-control-field{display:unset}#elementor-popup__timing-controls-group--schedule .elementor-control-title{width:unset}#elementor-popup__timing-controls-group--schedule .elementor-control-input-wrapper{margin-block-start:5px}#elementor-popup__timing-controls-group--schedule div[class*=elementor-control-schedule_] .elementor-control-content .elementor-control-field{display:block}#elementor-popup__timing-controls-group--schedule div[class*=elementor-control-schedule_] .elementor-control-content .elementor-control-input-wrapper{width:108px}#elementor-popup__timing-controls-group--schedule .elementor-control-schedule_timezone{margin-inline-start:-17px}.elementor-control-type-raw_html .elementor-descriptor-subtle a{color:inherit;border-block-end-color:inherit;font-weight:500}.elementor-control-type-raw_html .elementor-descriptor-subtle a:hover{color:#0c0d0e}.e-page-transition-preview:before{content:"";height:1em;width:.8em;margin-inline-end:4px;background-image:url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg width='10' height='13' fill='none' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%3E%3Cpath d='M8.406 6.21a.35.35 0 010 .58l-7.21 4.857a.35.35 0 01-.546-.29V1.643a.35.35 0 01.546-.29l7.21 4.857z' stroke='%23fff' stroke-width='1.3'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:contain;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top}.elementor-template-query-control-actions{display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center;margin-block-start:15px;gap:15px}.e-control-display-conditions-promo__wrapper,.e-control-display-conditions__wrapper{display:flex;justify-content:space-between}.e-control-display-conditions-promo__desc,.e-control-display-conditions__desc{align-self:center}.e-control-display-conditions-promo__desc .eicon-lock,.e-control-display-conditions__desc .eicon-lock{margin-inline-start:15px}.e-control-display-conditions-promo__desc .eicon-lock:hover,.e-control-display-conditions__desc .eicon-lock:hover{color:var(--e-a-color-accent)}.e-control-display-conditions-promo.eicon-flow,.e-control-display-conditions.eicon-flow{align-self:flex-end;cursor:pointer;border:var(--e-a-border-bold);border-radius:var(--e-a-border-radius);padding:5px}.e-control-display-conditions-promo.eicon-flow.filled,.e-control-display-conditions.eicon-flow.filled{background-color:var(--e-a-bg-active);color:#e73cf6}/******/ (function() { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ "use strict";
/******/ // The require scope
/******/ var __webpack_require__ = {};
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/define property getters */
/******/ !function() {
/******/ // define getter functions for harmony exports
/******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, definition) {
/******/ for(var key in definition) {
/******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] });
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ };
/******/ }();
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */
/******/ !function() {
/******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(obj, prop) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop); }
/******/ }();
var __webpack_exports__ = {};
__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
"default": function() { return /* binding */ build_module; }
// UNUSED EXPORTS: attrs, fromMatch, next, regexp, replace, string
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/memize/dist/index.js
* Memize options object.
* @typedef MemizeOptions
* @property {number} [maxSize] Maximum size of the cache.
* Internal cache entry.
* @typedef MemizeCacheNode
* @property {?MemizeCacheNode|undefined} [prev] Previous node.
* @property {?MemizeCacheNode|undefined} [next] Next node.
* @property {Array<*>} args Function arguments for cache
* entry.
* @property {*} val Function result.
* Properties of the enhanced function for controlling cache.
* @typedef MemizeMemoizedFunction
* @property {()=>void} clear Clear the cache.
* Accepts a function to be memoized, and returns a new memoized function, with
* optional options.
* @template {(...args: any[]) => any} F
* @param {F} fn Function to memoize.
* @param {MemizeOptions} [options] Options object.
* @return {((...args: Parameters) => ReturnType) & MemizeMemoizedFunction} Memoized function.
function memize(fn, options) {
var size = 0;
/** @type {?MemizeCacheNode|undefined} */
var head;
/** @type {?MemizeCacheNode|undefined} */
var tail;
options = options || {};
function memoized(/* ...args */) {
var node = head,
len = arguments.length,
searchCache: while (node) {
// Perform a shallow equality test to confirm that whether the node
// under test is a candidate for the arguments passed. Two arrays
// are shallowly equal if their length matches and each entry is
// strictly equal between the two sets. Avoid abstracting to a
// function which could incur an arguments leaking deoptimization.
// Check whether node arguments match arguments length
if (node.args.length !== arguments.length) {
node = node.next;
// Check whether node arguments match arguments values
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (node.args[i] !== arguments[i]) {
node = node.next;
continue searchCache;
// At this point we can assume we've found a match
// Surface matched node to head if not already
if (node !== head) {
// As tail, shift to previous. Must only shift if not also
// head, since if both head and tail, there is no previous.
if (node === tail) {
tail = node.prev;
// Adjust siblings to point to each other. If node was tail,
// this also handles new tail's empty `next` assignment.
/** @type {MemizeCacheNode} */ (node.prev).next = node.next;
if (node.next) {
node.next.prev = node.prev;
node.next = head;
node.prev = null;
/** @type {MemizeCacheNode} */ (head).prev = node;
head = node;
// Return immediately
return node.val;
// No cached value found. Continue to insertion phase:
// Create a copy of arguments (avoid leaking deoptimization)
args = new Array(len);
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
args[i] = arguments[i];
node = {
args: args,
// Generate the result from original function
val: fn.apply(null, args),
// Don't need to check whether node is already head, since it would
// have been returned above already if it was
// Shift existing head down list
if (head) {
head.prev = node;
node.next = head;
} else {
// If no head, follows that there's no tail (at initial or reset)
tail = node;
// Trim tail if we're reached max size and are pending cache insertion
if (size === /** @type {MemizeOptions} */ (options).maxSize) {
tail = /** @type {MemizeCacheNode} */ (tail).prev;
/** @type {MemizeCacheNode} */ (tail).next = null;
} else {
head = node;
return node.val;
memoized.clear = function () {
head = null;
tail = null;
size = 0;
// Ignore reason: There's not a clear solution to create an intersection of
// the function with additional properties, where the goal is to retain the
// function signature of the incoming argument and add control properties
// on the return value.
// @ts-ignore
return memoized;
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/shortcode/build-module/index.js
* External dependencies
* Shortcode attributes object.
* @typedef {Object} WPShortcodeAttrs
* @property {Object} named Object with named attributes.
* @property {Array} numeric Array with numeric attributes.
* Shortcode object.
* @typedef {Object} WPShortcode
* @property {string} tag Shortcode tag.
* @property {WPShortcodeAttrs} attrs Shortcode attributes.
* @property {string} content Shortcode content.
* @property {string} type Shortcode type: `self-closing`,
* `closed`, or `single`.
* @typedef {Object} WPShortcodeMatch
* @property {number} index Index the shortcode is found at.
* @property {string} content Matched content.
* @property {WPShortcode} shortcode Shortcode instance of the match.
* Find the next matching shortcode.
* @param {string} tag Shortcode tag.
* @param {string} text Text to search.
* @param {number} index Index to start search from.
* @return {WPShortcodeMatch | undefined} Matched information.
function next(tag, text, index = 0) {
const re = regexp(tag);
re.lastIndex = index;
const match = re.exec(text);
if (!match) {
// If we matched an escaped shortcode, try again.
if ('[' === match[1] && ']' === match[7]) {
return next(tag, text, re.lastIndex);
const result = {
index: match.index,
content: match[0],
shortcode: fromMatch(match)
// If we matched a leading `[`, strip it from the match and increment the
// index accordingly.
if (match[1]) {
result.content = result.content.slice(1);
// If we matched a trailing `]`, strip it from the match.
if (match[7]) {
result.content = result.content.slice(0, -1);
return result;
* Replace matching shortcodes in a block of text.
* @param {string} tag Shortcode tag.
* @param {string} text Text to search.
* @param {Function} callback Function to process the match and return
* replacement string.
* @return {string} Text with shortcodes replaced.
function replace(tag, text, callback) {
return text.replace(regexp(tag), function (match, left, $3, attrs, slash, content, closing, right) {
// If both extra brackets exist, the shortcode has been properly
// escaped.
if (left === '[' && right === ']') {
return match;
// Create the match object and pass it through the callback.
const result = callback(fromMatch(arguments));
// Make sure to return any of the extra brackets if they weren't used to
// escape the shortcode.
return result || result === '' ? left + result + right : match;
* Generate a string from shortcode parameters.
* Creates a shortcode instance and returns a string.
* Accepts the same `options` as the `shortcode()` constructor, containing a
* `tag` string, a string or object of `attrs`, a boolean indicating whether to
* format the shortcode using a `single` tag, and a `content` string.
* @param {Object} options
* @return {string} String representation of the shortcode.
function string(options) {
return new shortcode(options).string();
* Generate a RegExp to identify a shortcode.
* The base regex is functionally equivalent to the one found in
* `get_shortcode_regex()` in `wp-includes/shortcodes.php`.
* Capture groups:
* 1. An extra `[` to allow for escaping shortcodes with double `[[]]`
* 2. The shortcode name
* 3. The shortcode argument list
* 4. The self closing `/`
* 5. The content of a shortcode when it wraps some content.
* 6. The closing tag.
* 7. An extra `]` to allow for escaping shortcodes with double `[[]]`
* @param {string} tag Shortcode tag.
* @return {RegExp} Shortcode RegExp.
function regexp(tag) {
return new RegExp('\\[(\\[?)(' + tag + ')(?![\\w-])([^\\]\\/]*(?:\\/(?!\\])[^\\]\\/]*)*?)(?:(\\/)\\]|\\](?:([^\\[]*(?:\\[(?!\\/\\2\\])[^\\[]*)*)(\\[\\/\\2\\]))?)(\\]?)', 'g');
* Parse shortcode attributes.
* Shortcodes accept many types of attributes. These can chiefly be divided into
* named and numeric attributes:
* Named attributes are assigned on a key/value basis, while numeric attributes
* are treated as an array.
* Named attributes can be formatted as either `name="value"`, `name='value'`,
* or `name=value`. Numeric attributes can be formatted as `"value"` or just
* `value`.
* @param {string} text Serialised shortcode attributes.
* @return {WPShortcodeAttrs} Parsed shortcode attributes.
const attrs = memize(text => {
const named = {};
const numeric = [];
// This regular expression is reused from `shortcode_parse_atts()` in
// `wp-includes/shortcodes.php`.
// Capture groups:
// 1. An attribute name, that corresponds to...
// 2. a value in double quotes.
// 3. An attribute name, that corresponds to...
// 4. a value in single quotes.
// 5. An attribute name, that corresponds to...
// 6. an unquoted value.
// 7. A numeric attribute in double quotes.
// 8. A numeric attribute in single quotes.
// 9. An unquoted numeric attribute.
const pattern = /([\w-]+)\s*=\s*"([^"]*)"(?:\s|$)|([\w-]+)\s*=\s*'([^']*)'(?:\s|$)|([\w-]+)\s*=\s*([^\s'"]+)(?:\s|$)|"([^"]*)"(?:\s|$)|'([^']*)'(?:\s|$)|(\S+)(?:\s|$)/g;
// Map zero-width spaces to actual spaces.
text = text.replace(/[\u00a0\u200b]/g, ' ');
let match;
// Match and normalize attributes.
while (match = pattern.exec(text)) {
if (match[1]) {
named[match[1].toLowerCase()] = match[2];
} else if (match[3]) {
named[match[3].toLowerCase()] = match[4];
} else if (match[5]) {
named[match[5].toLowerCase()] = match[6];
} else if (match[7]) {
} else if (match[8]) {
} else if (match[9]) {
return {
* Generate a Shortcode Object from a RegExp match.
* Accepts a `match` object from calling `regexp.exec()` on a `RegExp` generated
* by `regexp()`. `match` can also be set to the `arguments` from a callback
* passed to `regexp.replace()`.
* @param {Array} match Match array.
* @return {WPShortcode} Shortcode instance.
function fromMatch(match) {
let type;
if (match[4]) {
type = 'self-closing';
} else if (match[6]) {
type = 'closed';
} else {
type = 'single';
return new shortcode({
tag: match[2],
attrs: match[3],
content: match[5]
* Creates a shortcode instance.
* To access a raw representation of a shortcode, pass an `options` object,
* containing a `tag` string, a string or object of `attrs`, a string indicating
* the `type` of the shortcode ('single', 'self-closing', or 'closed'), and a
* `content` string.
* @param {Object} options Options as described.
* @return {WPShortcode} Shortcode instance.
const shortcode = Object.assign(function (options) {
const {
attrs: attributes,
} = options || {};
Object.assign(this, {
// Ensure we have a correctly formatted `attrs` object.
this.attrs = {
named: {},
numeric: []
if (!attributes) {
const attributeTypes = ['named', 'numeric'];
// Parse a string of attributes.
if (typeof attributes === 'string') {
this.attrs = attrs(attributes);
// Identify a correctly formatted `attrs` object.
} else if (attributes.length === attributeTypes.length && attributeTypes.every((t, key) => t === attributes[key])) {
this.attrs = attributes;
// Handle a flat object of attributes.
} else {
Object.entries(attributes).forEach(([key, value]) => {
this.set(key, value);
}, {
Object.assign(shortcode.prototype, {
* Get a shortcode attribute.
* Automatically detects whether `attr` is named or numeric and routes it
* accordingly.
* @param {(number|string)} attr Attribute key.
* @return {string} Attribute value.
get(attr) {
return this.attrs[typeof attr === 'number' ? 'numeric' : 'named'][attr];
* Set a shortcode attribute.
* Automatically detects whether `attr` is named or numeric and routes it
* accordingly.
* @param {(number|string)} attr Attribute key.
* @param {string} value Attribute value.
* @return {WPShortcode} Shortcode instance.
set(attr, value) {
this.attrs[typeof attr === 'number' ? 'numeric' : 'named'][attr] = value;
return this;
* Transform the shortcode into a string.
* @return {string} String representation of the shortcode.
string() {
let text = '[' + this.tag;
this.attrs.numeric.forEach(value => {
if (/\s/.test(value)) {
text += ' "' + value + '"';
} else {
text += ' ' + value;
Object.entries(this.attrs.named).forEach(([name, value]) => {
text += ' ' + name + '="' + value + '"';
// If the tag is marked as `single` or `self-closing`, close the tag and
// ignore any additional content.
if ('single' === this.type) {
return text + ']';
} else if ('self-closing' === this.type) {
return text + ' /]';
// Complete the opening tag.
text += ']';
if (this.content) {
text += this.content;
// Add the closing tag.
return text + '[/' + this.tag + ']';
/* harmony default export */ var build_module = (shortcode);
(window.wp = window.wp || {}).shortcode = __webpack_exports__["default"];
/******/ })()
I’m Leia Acosta, a passionate photographer who finds inspiration in capturing the fleeting beauty of life.
=== Duplicate Post ===
Contributors: lopo
Donate link: https://duplicate-post.lopo.it/
Tags: duplicate post, copy, clone
Requires at least: 3.6
Tested up to: 5.3
Stable tag: 3.2.4
Requires PHP: 5.2.4
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Copy posts of any type with a click!
== Description ==
This plugin allows users to clone posts of any type, or copy them to new drafts for further editing.
If you find this useful, [**please consider donating**](https://duplicate-post.lopo.it/donate/) whatever sum you choose, **even just 10 cents**. Just a few cents from every user would help me develop the plugin and improve support.
How it works:
1. In 'Edit Posts'/'Edit Pages', you can click on 'Clone' link below the post/page title: this will immediately create a copy and return to the list.
2. In 'Edit Posts'/'Edit Pages', you can select one or more items, then choose 'Clone' in the 'Bulk Actions' dropdown to copy them all at once.
3. In 'Edit Posts'/'Edit Pages', you can click on 'New Draft' link below the post/page title.
4. On the post edit screen, you can click on 'Copy to a new draft' above "Cancel"/"Move to trash" or in the admin bar.
5. While viewing a post as a logged in user, you can click on 'Copy to a new draft' in the admin bar.
3, 4 and 5 will lead to the edit page for the new draft: change what you want, click on 'Publish' and you're done.
There is also a **template tag**, so you can put it in your templates and clone your posts/pages from the front-end. Clicking on the link will lead you to the edit page for the new draft, just like the admin bar link.
Duplicate Post has many useful settings to customize its behavior and restrict its use to certain roles or post types. Check out the extensive documentation on [the plugin's site](https://duplicate-post.lopo.it).
**If you're a plugin developer**, I suggest you to read the [Developer's Guide](https://duplicate-post.lopo.it/docs/developers-guide/) to ensure compatibility between your plugin(s) and mine. Feel free to [contact me](https://duplicate-post.lopo.it/contact) so we can keep in touch and collaborate.
Duplicate Post does not collect any information outside your WordPress installation, therefore it's 100% GDPR compliant.
Thanks for all the suggestions, bug reports, translations and donations, they're frankly too many to be listed here!
== Installation ==
Use WordPress' Add New Plugin feature, searching "Duplicate Post", or download the archive and:
1. Unzip the archive on your computer
2. Upload `duplicate-post` directory to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
4. Go to Settings -> Duplicate Post and customize behaviour as needed
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= The plugin doesn't work, why? =
First, check your version of WordPress: the plugin is not supposed to work on old versions anymore. Make sure also to upgrade to the last version of the plugin!
Then try to deactivate and re-activate it, some user have reported that this fixes some problems.
Pay also attention to the "Permissions" tab in the Settings: make sure the plugin is enabled for the desired roles and post types.
If it still doesn't work, maybe there is some kind of conflict with other plugins: feel free [to write in the forum](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/duplicate-post) and we'll try to discover a solution (it will be *really* helpful if you try to deactivate all your other plugins one by one to see which one conflicts with mine... But do it only if you know what you're doing, I will not be responsible of any problem you may experience).
= The plugin is not translated in my language! =
From version 3.0 the plugin's translations are managed by the WordPress.org platform and the plugin is shipped without language files, so first of all update translations under Dashboard->Updates.
If Duplicate Post is still in English, or if there are some untraslated strings, you can help traslating to your language [here](https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/duplicate-post): you only need a WordPress.org account.
[Contact me](https://duplicate-post.lopo.it/contact) if you wish to become an editor for your language.
== Screenshots ==
1. Here you can copy the post you're editing to a new draft.
2. By clicking on "Clone" the post is cloned immediately. "New draft" leads to the edit screen.
3. The options page.
4. The template tag manually added to Twenty Ten theme. Click on the "Copy to a new draft" link and you're redirected to the edit screen for a new draft copy of your post.
5. The admin bar link.
6. Bulk clone action.
== Upgrade Notice ==
= 3.2.4 =
Options to show original post + accessibility improvements
= 3.2.3 =
Fixes some bugs and incompatibilities with CF7, WPML, and custom post types with custom capabilities
= 3.2.2 =
Adds compatibility with Gutenberg UI and fixes a problem with slugs on new installs
= 3.2.1 =
Fixes some problems with Multisite, WPML, revisions
= 3.2 =
new website + WPML compatibility + various fixes
= 3.1.2 =
Fixes the problem with custom fields
= 3.1.1 =
Bulk clone + custom field wildcards + other features + bugfixes + fix for nasty nag
= 3.1 =
Bulk clone + custom field wildcards + other features + bugfixes
= 3.0.3 =
Notices + small fixes and improvements
= 3.0.2 =
Small bugfixes: check the changelog for more info
= 3.0.1 =
Recommended if you have 3.0: fixes the upgrade bug
= 3.0 =
Major redesign of the settings page + fine-tune options (what to copy, custom post types, etc.) + bugfixes and XSS prevention
= 2.6 =
PHP 5.4 (Strict Standards) compatible + Fixed possible XSS and SQL injections + other bugs
= 2.4.1 =
Fixes a couple of bug. Recommended if you have problems with v2.4
= 2.4 =
Copy child pages + a couple of bugfixes + licence switch to GPLv2
= 2.3 =
Fixes a bunch of bugs + copy attachments + choose where to show the links.
= 2.2 =
VERY IMPORTANT UPGRADE to get rid of problems with complex custom fields, afflicting both 2.1.* releases.
= 2.1.1 =
Fix for upgrade problem
= 2.1 =
Copy from admin bar + user levels out, roles and capabilities in.
= 2.0.2 =
Fixed permalink bug + double choice on posts list
= 2.0.1 =
Bug fix + new option
= 2.0 =
Several improvements and new features, see changelog. Requires WP 3.0+.
= 1.1.1 =
Some users have experienced a fatal error when upgrading to v1.1: this may fix it, if it's caused by a plugin conflict.
= 1.1 =
New features and customization, WP 3.0 compatibility: you should upgrade if you want to copy Custom Posts with Custom Taxonomies.
== Changelog ==
= 3.2.4 (2019-12-10) =
* Options to show original item in post list (in a column or alongside post states) or in a metabox in the edit screen
* Accessibility improvements
* Small other fixes
= 3.2.3 (2019-07-10) =
* Fixes incompatibility with previous versions of CF7
* Now roles without edit_posts capability but having equivalent capability for custom post types can be allowed to copy
* Small other fixes to bugs that could lead to incompatibilities with WPML and others
= 3.2.2 (2018-04-13) =
* The "Admin bar" option shows the link in the post edit screen too, so you can use the plugin with Gutenberg enabled
* Option for "Slug" not set by default on new installations
* Better display of icon in the Admin bar on small screens
= 3.2.1 (2017-11-25) =
* Fixing some issues of the 3.* trunk before major redesign
* Fixes issue when upgrading on multisite
* Improved compatibility with WPML + page builders, thanks to WPML team
* Prevents creating a revision immediately after the cloning
= 3.2 (2017-04-04) =
* new website with extensive documentation
* WPML compatibility, thanks to WPML team
* improved Jetpack compatibility (Subscriptions, Markdown)
* small changes to hooks
* improved security with nonces
* various small fixes
= 3.1.2 (2016-12-13) =
* Fix for custom fields not copied
= 3.1.1 (2016-12-13) =
* Fix for nasty update nag (plus a failsafe checkbox)
= 3.1 (2016-12-13) =
* Bulk clone action added (WP 4.7+)
* Wildcards enabled for custom fields to skip
* Options to copy post author, post format (moved from taxonomies), menu order, post template
* Check publish_posts/publish_pages capability to prevent Contributors from publishing by cloning
* Using wp_slash (WP 3.6+) or a better workaround (WP 4.4+) on the post and its meta, should also fix some compatibility issues
* Check if admin bar is showing before enqueueing CSS
* Probable fix for repeated clone bug
* Other minor bugs fixed
= 3.0.3 (2016-10-29) =
* Notices in admin after copying
* Fixes warning in custom post type archives
* Uses site options for version and notice
* Minor fixes
= 3.0.2 (2016-10-18) =
* Can now be enabled for every custom post type with visible UI (not just public ones)
* Admin bar CSS only enqueued when needed
* New "Donate" button
* Fixes for minor bugs and typos
= 3.0.1 (2016-10-09) =
* Fixes the issues for people upgrading from an older version
= 3.0 (2016-10-09) =
* Settings page redesigned
* More options to enable/disable copy of every part of a post
* Enable/disable cloning for every custom post type
* Jetpack Publicize compatibility
* Fixed a possible XSS
* Fixed other little bugs
* Translations removed to use WP.org's official translation project
* Checked PHP 7 compatibility
= 2.6 (2014-04-27) =
* PHP 5.4 (Strict Standards) compatible
* Fixed possible XSS and SQL injections
* other bugs
* Updated and added translations
* Tested up to WP 3.8.1
= 2.4.1 (2014-02-22) =
* Fixed regression about draft permalinks
* Fixed bug with guid
* Don't clone to_ping and pinged (maybe there will be an option about those later)
= 2.4 (2012-04-29) =
* New option to clone the children of the original page
* Licence changed to GPLv2 or later
* Fixed publishing dates for drafts
* Fixed bug with prefix/suffix
* Translation project moved to GlotPress
= 2.3 (2012-04-06) =
* Added options to choose where to show the "Clone" links
* Clone attachments (i.e. references in the DB, not physical files)
* Fix for untranslated user roles
* Some other fixes (missing checks, PHP warnings and errors, etc.)
= 2.2 (2012-02-01) =
* Fix for problems when copying serialized meta fields
* Fix for multiple _dp_original field
* Removed deprecated parameter when adding options
= 2.1.1 (2012-01-04) =
* Can't rely on activation hook for upgrade, this caused problems with new options
= 2.1 (2012-01-03) =
* Even more code cleaning (no more custom queries, using WP API)
* Term order preserved when copying
* Stopped using deprecated User levels, now it uses Roles and Capabilities
* 'Copy to a new draft' link in admin bar
* duplicate_post_get_original template tag
* Settings link in plugin list, 'Donate' and 'Translate' link in option page
= 2.0.2 (2011-12-12) =
* Fixed bug for permalinks
* Two links on posts list: clone immediately or copy to a new draft to edit.
* Tested on multisite mode.
= 2.0.1 (2011-12-08) =
* Fixed bug for action filters
* New option so you can choose if cloning from the posts list must copy the post status (draft, published, pending) too.
= 2.0 (2011-12-08) =
* WP 3.3 compatibility (still not tested against multiblog feature, so beware)
* Minimum WP version: 3.0
* Code cleanup
* Immediate cloning from post list
* Added options for taxonomies and post excerpt
* Added suffix option
* Added template tag
= 1.1.2 (2011-04-08) =
* WP 3.1.1 compatibility (still not tested against multiblog feature, so beware)
* Added complete Polish language files
= 1.1.1 (2010-06-30) =
* Plugin split in two files for faster opening in Plugins list page
* fix conflicts with a few other plugins
* Added Dutch language files
= 1.1 (2010-06-24) =
* WP 3.0 compatibility (not tested against multiblog feature, so beware)
* Option page: minimum user level, title prefix, fields not to be copied, copy post/page date also
* Added German, Swedish, Romanian, Hebrew, Catalan (incomplete) and Polish (incomplete) language files
= 1.0 (2010-06-15) =
* Better integration with WP 2.7+ interface
* Added actions for plugins which store post metadata in self-managed tables
* Added French and Spanish language files
* Dropped WP 2.6.5 compatibility
= 0.6.1 (2009-12-03) =
* Tested WP 2.9 compatibility
= 0.6 (2007-07-21) =
* Fix for WP 2.8.1
* WPMU compatibility
* Internationalization (Italian and Japanese language files shipped)
= 0.5 (2009-01-09) =
* Fix for post-meta
* WP2.7 compatibility
= 0.4 (2008-11-23) =
* Support for new WP post revision feature
= 0.3 (2008-03-01) =
* Initial version on WP repository
== Contribute ==
If you find this useful and if you want to contribute, there are three ways:
1. You can [write me](https://duplicate-post.lopo.it/contact) and submit your bug reports, suggestions and requests for features;
2. If you want to translate it to your language (there are just a few lines of text), you can use the [translation project](https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/duplicate-post);
3. Using the plugin is free, but if you want you can support my efforts by donating with PayPal [here](https://duplicate-post.lopo.it/donate)